Student Information

Allergies and Health Concerns

Special Needs Details

Parent/Guardian Information

Drop Off/Pick Up Permissions

Medical and Photography Release

I hereby give permission to medical personnel selected by the participants Church sponsor/his designee or camp staff to order X-rays, routine tests and treatment for my child/loved one In the event of an emergency, and neither myself nor secondary can be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the Authorized Agent to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, order injections and/or anesthesia and/or surgery to my child as named above. I further authorize the release of the above medical information to appropriate medical personnel and/or the health coverage insurance company. In addition, I have, and do hereby, release the church, its employees or agents from liability associated with participation in a church activity. I understand that if I do not have medical insurance, I, as the parent or guardian, will be responsible for any medical expenses in the event of a sickness and/or injury. I understand that there are risks involved in taking part in recreation activities and other activities related to participation in youth functions.

I also understand that my child may be included in photos or videos on social media posts or in church presentations of VBS activities, and if I do not want my child included in photography, I will notify an overseer of the event as soon as possible.

I also agree that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent to my manual signature.